(Team Sakura scene)
Sakura: Are you sure about this, Kiba?
Yeah, that's Sasuke's scent, no doubt about it...and plus, my nose
never mistake's, same goes for Akamaru, isn't that right boy?
Akamaru: Woof!
Rock Lee: So, what are we waiting for? let's move!
Sakura: Right!
Sai: ...-Closes his eyes-...
(Team Kakashi scene)
Kakashi: So, as I said, leave it all to me, get it Naruto?
Naruto: Mm...Alrig--
Sai (The ink clone): -Opens his eyes- We found Sasuke.
Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato: ..?!
Yamato: What?!
Kakashi: ...are you sure?
Naruto: ...Uh...please answer the question Sai! are you sure?!
Yes, we are sure. Kiba said so, and he also said that their noses never
mistake's, and that there's no doubt about it, that the scent belonged
to Sasuke. He also has one person with him.
Naruto: One person or a thousand! Lead the way, Sai!
Sai: ...Right.
-They start rushing to Sakura and the oth
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